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The C.A. Briggs Company was established as a proprietorship in June of 1956 and was incorporated as a Pennsylvania Corporation in 1967. The original purpose was to act as a manufacturers' representative, selling technically oriented products in the industrial control marketplace, for several manufacturers on a commission-only basis. A few years later, another dimension was added. Certain products of our principals were stocked and the technical industrial distributor segment of our operation was born.


We are application oriented toward our marketplace for Sensors and Level Controls for Process and Machine Automation. For Process Automation, a level need for your vessel, tank, bin, hopper, silo, storage elevator, reservoir, pond, lift station or sump will be fulfilled with a reliable, robust and quality Level solution. For Machine Automation, we offer level, flow, pressure, temperature, position and proximity sensors for both OEM and Industrial Customers. We also offer Wireless Remote I/O and Remote Monitoring via POTS, Cell or Satellite communications for Process and Machinery Automation.


We cover Eastern Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Washington D.C., and Arlington and Fairfax counties in Virginia with four Application Oriented Salesmen. 

Our inside organization consists of three people who provide effective backup in sales, order service, promotion and warehouse management, complementing our field sales efforts. Our office accomplished considerable in-depth advertising and promotion of our principals' products.

We maintain very complete and up-to-date customer and prospect mailing list database and have the machinery and capability to affect promotional mailings on either a quick or scheduled basis. We also participate in trade shows sponsored by the local Instrument Society of America chapters and other local industrial groups. 

We enjoy a registered trademark LEVELWORKS® because of our expertise in Level Sensor and Control Applications.

Sensor and Level Control For Process and Machine Automation

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